"The Best Family Fair In Michigan"

"The Best Family Fair In Michigan"

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Do you have a volunteer that stood out to you during the fair? We have an award nomination form for you -- Volunteer of the Year (adult and youth)

Do you have a former volunteer in your project area that wasn't recognized when they were actively involved with the fair?  We have an award nomination form for you -- Volunteer Emeritus

Is there a business or person who has given generously of their time or resources to the fair?  We have an award nomination form for you -- Friend of the Fair (adult and youth)

The applications are linked above,  send in a nomination by September 1st.  Awards  will be announced at the Leader's Banquet on November 1st at Crystal Gardens in Marysville.




The fair has adopted a rule consistent with recommendations made by the State of Michigan veterinarians regarding quarantining animals 14 prior to showing at the fair.   This is the rule as stated in the fair book:  "Livestock dairy, beef, sheep, swine, llamas, goats, poultry & rabbits cannot be exhibited at another exhibition within 14 days prior to the first day of fair."  This will be strictly enforced.  

Although the Fair has a veterinarian designated for the fair to perform tasks such as check in of livestock and monitor their health throughout the fair week, as well as act as a liaison with the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, there is NOT a veterinarian "on call" or available to exhibitors to treat their livestock during the week of fair.  Exhibitors are required to consult with their own veterinarian, as well as assume responsibility for all costs associated with their animal's medical care.